Wednesday, September 24, 2014


NADI HEALINGA Complete body Healing by Nadipathy Research Foundation

Nadi healing, one of the healings that Dr.Krishnam Raju - Nadipathy Research Foundation is prescribing. This is an ancient method with touch. In this method, the healing is done by taking assistance of 3 to 4 Nadi healers. The Nadi healing is based on the Zone system. Every time the healers remove by touching 5gm (virtual weight) of bad energy from the body and removes it out from the hand fingers or feet fingers –zoned energy points.

This therapy could take depending on the intensity of the disease.  At Nadipathy, the research team had Noticed, the patients got a good relief after a few minutes - few sittings. This therapy doesn’t have scientific stands however we at Nadipathy consider as most important healing by curing the aura of the body since the Nadipathy believes and supports that any disease reside in the form of subtle energy before it attacks on the body. Removing the bad energy by treating the subtle energy is one of the prime methods in Nadi healing.

Once again a research product from Nadipathy research Foundation.
In general we are all aware there are plenty of healing processes, importantly Pranic Healing, cosmic healing, Reiki... etc.

Nadi healing is also an healing with a different process by taking into consideration of Diagnose methods.
The Fundamental part of the Nadi healing is………..
The advanced techniques of Nadi healing give many a great relief and cure.
As we knew that there are different energy cycles namely,

Yin and Yang healing
Zonal Energy cucles-20 Zonal
Meridian cycles = 7+7
Pyramid Energy cycle
Diamond energy healing
Spiral and Spider healing
Chakra healing
Crystal healing
Gem Healing
Energy Point healing
Reflex Healing
Joint healing
Nail healing
Fingers healing
Time healing
Distance healing
Acu Touch healing
Aura Healing
Beach Sand Healing
Solar healing
Pyramid healing (Not Pyramid Energy cycle healing)... etc

All these energy cycles are passing threw  out our body stealthily.
Nadi healing heals on these energy cycles that cures the physical body and transforms positive energy.Using Sujok points, Nadi healing can be performed on the acu points too.
Similar to this Nails healing where a simple energy transformation on the Nails and fingers would heal the associated /represented organ and increase the positive energy.
Organs & Planets Ancient Indian epics states that every organ represents a planet or associated planets that makes the function or malfunction of the body organs, keeping this in mind Nadipathy Research Foundation follows certain principles of ‘time‘ to heal the body by nadi helaing , this would imperatively helps in curing the disease by Nadi healers.
Who can undergo Nadi healing?

Anyone irrespective of age! however we prefer adults to age old people can go for this therapy.


1 comment:

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